5 Ways to Drive Traffic from Google Images

Most of us dont care driving traffic from Google Images , but its important and you can drive more traffic than you think from Google Images with a few steps.Since Google bots cannot see what pictures are about , there are a few things which are important for bots to have an idea about pictures and search results are showed according to these things. Now i will share how do i drive traffic to my Windows 7 blog only from Google Images.

Names of Pictures

URL is the most important criteria for Google Images. Dont underestimate the name of your picture while uploading it since its name appears in URL .

http://img.src.com/cat/picture1.jpeg FALSE
http://img.src.com/cat/usain-bolt-pictures.jpeg TRUE

ALT Tags

ALT tag is the second most important determiner for Google , typing keywords to ALT tag will affect your results positively.But do not exaggerate it and type only 4 or 5 keywords.

< img src=”/usainbolt.gif” alt=”usain bolt world record picture” > FALSE
< img src=”/usainbolt.gif” alt=”usain bolt pictures , usain bolt videos , usain bolt 100mt “ > TRUE


TITLE tag is the third most important for Google , i advise you to use ALT tag instead of Title tag .

< img src=”/usainbolt.gif” title=”usain bolt world record picture” > FALSE
< img src=”/usainbolt.gif” title=”usain bolt pictures , usain bolt videos , usain bolt 100mt “ > TRUE

A Tags

Giving link to picture is quite important. Use advantage of this trick and give link to images like this :

< a href=”/usain_bolt_video.html” >
< img src=”/usainbolt.gif” alt=”usain bolt pictures , usain bolt videos , usain bolt 100mt “ >


Select the image in your post while submitting link to Digg , So Google will index your image quickly.

If you check the Live Traffic Feed on Windows 7 blog you will see all the visitors comes from images.google.com , thanks to this SEO tricks it was easy for me to make ca$h from that blog.

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